
March 3, 2009

bloggone public

Today, one of my friends, the fabulous Vicky, said to me, "Oh! I saw you had a blog," and I went "How'd you know that?" I was rather freaked out, until she explained where I had lost my anonymity (this is a process similar to the losing of virginity, but (or so I've heard), less painful) 

Basically, I've been making some very non-anonymous comments for my U.S. History (Oh, Howard Zinn, your words are the breath of God! and whatnot), and when my name was clicked on above this thing, it directed you to my profile, which in turn directed you to my blog.

Oh. My. Blog.

I'm trying to decide whether I should be upset or happy if anyone's read this. I think I'll go with upset, unless it's Vicky (that's not actually her name, but I'm sure she'll figure it out), in which case.... whazzup?


ec said...

Hey "colorful tea" (what is the origin of that anyway?, personally, my tea is usually a nice brown hue....), fabulous vicky here (I like the kind adjective 'fabulous' in front of my name instead of Grace's rather rude 'blood-sucking')

I was deciding whether or not to leave a comment, but, don't worry I haven't been compulsively stalking your blog, waiting for a post to appear, just curious, that's all...

haha... "Oh, Howard Zinn, your words are the breath of God!" a little drastic, (what if Ms. Schager sees this? she wold probably love you forever...) in class I try to push that point a little more subtilely!

anyway this is a cool blog which I never would have found had I not been curious who "colorful tea" was but I won't mention it to anyone else...

Has Ms. Schager proctored (which sounds like proctologist, butt doctor!) your CAPT yet?
Ok, I'll admit it, I asked that question just so I could use my proctologist joke again... kinda lame huh?

toodles... 'fab' vicky

ps: I just noticed this post today so you know I haven't been stalking your blog