
March 31, 2009


Hello blogosphere! I feel annoyed, and because of this, I'm going to post.
Something that annoys me today is Microsoft Word's spell check. It includes virtually no scientific terms, and I find it highly annoying. Those squiggly red lines are an incredible pain on my poor vision. Some apparently incorrect words from last week's science notes:
  • immunoblotting
  • bisulphite
  • methylated
  • unmethylated
  • cotranslation
  • nucleofactor
  • electroporation
  • neurogenin
  • hepatocyte
  • heterogenous
  • kinase
  • haematopoietic
Interestingly, the built-in apple spell checker only thinks that 5 of these are incorrectly transcribed. If only Microsoft Word was more compatible with my computer...

In other news, I made a plagiarism report today. Vicky, who is in a different History class than I am, noticed that Phil Chen had copied a girl's notes and reflections from two years ago. To make matters worse, he had done a bad job of the plagiarizing, leaving her name up for days before remembering to remove it, and reflecting on units that we hadn't even studies. However, Vicky wasn't sure whether to tell a teacher, so she figured that the best route would be to tell a bunch of fellow students in hopes that word reached the teacher.
In the end, my friend Gretchen (no relation to Phil) and I decided to tell the teacher, because she felt that it was unfair, and I considered it my moral obligation to do something. She said it was okay to tell, that it happens sometimes, and we handed in a piece of paper divulging the details. She said she'd keep my part anonymous, which is good in some senses, but also somewhat annoying, as I really want to know what happens to Phil.

- a side note: a frequently retold joke around school is that Gretchen should marry Phil and change her name, so that she becomes Gretchen Chen. It's Gretchen's all-time least favorite joke.