
April 5, 2009

Great Homework Accomplishments

Among the Overachievers of my hometown, Sunday is Homework Day. Friday and Saturday are the brief blissful moments of freedom before the torrent of work. Last night, however, I had three friends sleep over, and we were up until one, and I then spent about six hours tossing and turning. This led to me feeling very tired today. On the upside, exhaustion tends to interfere with my memory. Although I did homework for about three hours this afternoon, I am so tired that I am incapable of remembering the wasted time. All I can remember is watching X-men this evening, which was extremely enjoyable.
In other news, I cut my finger on a bread knife, so am currently incapable of playing the guitar at all, and also can't practice any of my piano songs without modifying the fingerings to be able to play better, which destroys the whole building-muscle-memory purpose of practicing, so I spent a little bit of time composing and used the hours I would have spent at the piano to catch up on America's Next Top Model. My pick for the Next Top Model is Teyona. I loved her hope/change picture from this week.
Speaking of hope and change, Maureen Dowd's column in the Week in Review today was ridiculous. I realize that she loves Obama, but he isn't a superhuman shrink/president/unnaturally perceptive man. He's a human being, and he won't be able to magically see through every layer of European policy. He's the best we've got, but he isn't perfect, and I feel like she just doesn't see that. Unless the column was irony that I'm to tired to understand, which is distinctly possible.
Speaking of tire . . . goodnight!