
May 7, 2009

What is strange, uncomfortable, and really long?

This is another story courtesy of Nyx and Tamir, her lab partner.

Setting: Chem class. Both are seated at desks, with Tamir's legs reaching across to the horizontal supports of Nyx's.

Nyx, looking down: Jeez! Your feet a huge!
Tamir: That's not the only thing that's huge.
Nyx shoots him an incredulous look.
Tamir: 10 inches, baby!

When Nyx told me this at lunch, I laughed for a very long while. I also remarked on how ridiculous it is that her lab partner has freakishly huge feet (probably because he is tall enough to make me look like a dwarf) when my lab partner, who is at least 6', has feet that are smaller than mine. How can his feet be smaller than mine? How can he run multiple miles everyday and still stay upright rather than falling due to lack of support? It's entirely unfair. If my feet were even a half size smaller, it would be so much easier to find shoes!

I also realized that it is utterly absurd that my lab partner and I managed to have an entire conversation about shoe size without making any inappropriate jokes. I will attribute this to the fact that I don't generally make dirty jokes, and he probably wouldn't want to make any jokes about his being "small."

I also figured that Nyx would want to know that I now have a picture of Ryan (the cute cellist in pit, as opposed to the creepy cellist who wrote Tierra a symphony) on my phone, because Tawny took a picture of him using my cellphone and set it as my background (although I got her to change it back). He was making a very serious cello-playing face, which I thought was rather funny, but I only just now discovered that Tawny actually went back into my phone and deleted the picture, so, um, I lied. Sorry.

And the answer to the question in the title is a court case.
Description courtesy of Opmin.


Nyx said...

OMB that title is so appropriate for my story......not that i would know for sure. haha. that was so funny at lunch, everyone all leaned in at once and went "WHO IS YOUR LAB PARTNER!?!" that couldn't have been more synchronized if Vicky and I had choreographed it! do the midwife...
OH! i forgot another story from chem class! i can't believe i didn't tell you this! ask me about it tomorrow :)

Tea said...

yay! I can't wait. What does the B stand for, by the way? Oh my Barnabas doesn't have quite the same ring to it as oh my god/gosh does.

ec said...

OMG I can't believe he said that!!!!!

what court case is the title referring to? the one in BDSMN (that's kinda a weird/awkward acronym...)

Arg...I wish all this really funny stuff happens to all seems to happen to your or Jackie...

BTW: would you know that your lab partner's is "small"?????????

Tea said...

I really, really hate that acronym in this context. I've heard BDSM before in an inappropriate context, and whenever I see it on the U.S. page, I experience a moment of weirded out confusion.

NO WAY! I WOULD NOT KNOW THAT!!! I know his feet are small, and generally held knowledge is that the size of *ahem* other things tend to follow shoe sizes (although studies show that they actually don't, so I can't really say ANYTHING about my lab partner. And I definitely didn't want to have that thought. No! No! aAAAhH!)