
July 23, 2009

La Piedra Filosofal

Estoy leyendo el primer libro de Harry Potter en español. Me gusta mucho. El libro es devertido en todas las lenguas. Mi parte favorito es:
"Aquella tarde, Dudley desfiló por el salón, andte la familia, con su uniforme nuevo. Los muchachos de Smelting llevaban frac rojo oscuro, pantalones de color naranja y sombrero de pajaa, rígido y plano. Tambíen llevaban bastones con nudos, que utilizaban para pelearse cuando los profesores no los veían."

Estoy felíz que no necesite llevar esté uniforme.


Gretchen said...

hmm...well i'm just rereading them in english
haha, not dedicated enough to do it in spanish

but good for you tea!!

Julie said...

this is amazing! have fun with all the translations of the names (which I guess show up later)

I plan to read a book in spanish this summer, but my spanish may be too rusty.

Nyx said...

i am SO ordering it in french. this is such a good idea!

Tea said...

yeah, so far all the names are the same, but some translations are weird. They use different punctuation for the dialogue, which is really confusing, and the sorting hat's song was translated basically word for word, so it doesn't rhyme OR have equal syllable lines, so it's pretty much impossible to sing.

ec said...

okay, i'm going to try to translate this (yea!!! without google translator)

I am reading the first harry potter book in spanish. the book is fun in all languages. my favorite part is when dudley is late to go to the salon with his family with a new uniform. his friends from smelting(?) stand up and wear red and yellow pants and pajama hats that are rigid and plain. then they undressed and were nude and they used curses on mean teachers.
To be fun you do not need to wear this uniform???

this makes noooo sense, but I'm finally going to go see the harry potter movie today!! was it bueno? (see I can speak spanish too!!)


ec said...

wait! i definitely DID NOT type wow at the bottom of that post...I have no clue how it got there...?

Tea said...

The goblins did it.